Enable logging for package execution in SSIS

Logging can be enabled and used at design time and runtime. To begin logging, in the Visual Studio menu select SSIS > Logging to open the Configure SSIS Logs window. In the Containers section, select the Control Flow objects for logging—the overall package itself and/or each of the individual tasks within the package. Then in the Providers and Logs tab, under the Add A New Log > Provider Type, select where you want the logging to be saved to, and click the Add button:

After adding each of the Provider Types selected you want to log to, go to the Select the Logs to Use for the Container section to set up the Connection in the Configuration column. In the case of a Text file, select a file to write to. For SQL Server DB as the target, simply select the target database. You are not limited to selecting only one target location for the logging, multiple destinations can be added and they will all be written to concurrently.

For every item checked in the Containers pane, you also need to individually select the check box under the section Select The Logs To Use For The Container, for each of the target SSIS Log Provider. If you don’t check both sides, it won’t create all the container logs you would expect to generate.

Next, go to the Details tab to choose all the events that will be logged for this container. All of these events are logged to all locations specified in the Providers And Logs tab.

In the Details tab, click the Advanced button to select which additional Event logging attributes to include or exclude from the logging.

When logging to SQL Server, the log records are written to a system table, dbo.sysssislog. It automatically creates this default system table the first time it starts logging records to SQL Server. The table is located in the System Tables folder, not with user tables.

The dbo.sysssislog table can be easily queried and filtered by specific types of events, start and end times, as well as other details in the log table.

Any package logging sent to the file system (flat file, XML), can be viewed directly to see the package execution results. Searching his file is limited to string searches, you won’t able to query and sort the data, but could be consumed by other applications for further analysis or zipped and archived for compliance requirements.


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